Iris X Zhou

Hi! I'm Iris—a dev on the Chromium-based Edge browser at Microsoft.

I'm currently working on the Feedback and Diagnostics team, driving front-end feature work for an internal feedback triaging and management tool, built in TypeScript and C#, allowing the Edge team to address problems straight from its users.

Previously, I worked on the Enterprise team for enterprise features for the browser. I did some group policy work for Application Guard, mostly in C++, and implemented the front-end for a IE-mode site list management tool in React/Redux.

I'm a graduate of Harvey Mudd College (Class of 2020). Currently, I'm interested in front-end development, but am always happy to broaden my skillset and try something new.

Outside of tech, I have a strong interest in music, design, and the arts. I've also always liked video games and have taken advantage of being out of school to catch up on gaming time. Here are some of the things I've been up to in the past few years:

  • Eye-tracking experiments to gather data about eye fatigue, for my senior capstone project under advisory of Microsoft
  • Attempting to get 100% of the achievements in Slay the Spire, a deckbuilding roguelike and one of the most well-designed games I've ever played
  • Creating art/design assets for MuddEscapes, the series of student-built escape rooms at Harvey Mudd
  • Working with clay in the ceramics studio, creating art and functional stoneware

Resume available upon request. Feel free to contact me at if you'd like to chat about opportunities, exchange music recommendations, or simply say hi!